Monday 7 November 2011

I ❤ Geeks!

Ok! I admit it. I am a geek. I am attracted to geeks, I married a geek, I spawned geeks, I am the progeny of geeks, and I have geeky friends. I need everybody to know that I believe labelling you a geek is a massive compliment and one that I do not throw around lightly. I love the intelligence of geeks, the varied interests, and the social awkwardness that we have all been through, shared and overcome. I would lay odds that many of you are geeks as well, but have never really taken the time to embrace your inner geekdom. So here we go with surest ways to know that you are part of that great universal geek fellowship.

      • You know you are a geek when the most senior citizen members of your family are "early-adopters" of all things Apple.
      • You know you are a geek when you attend a lovely Sunday brunch with all of your women friends and spend much of the time arguing the merits of superhero movies over the Twilight series. 
      • You know you are a geek when you have spent some period of time constructing a Millennium Falcon, Death Star, or Starship Enterprise out of Lego.
      • You know you are a geek when you follow casting announcements and trailers for the new Batman movies closer than you follow federal politicians.
      • You know you are a geek when this becomes normal behaviour.                                             

          • You know you are a geek when you revel in March 14 being Pi day (3.14) or that November 01/11 was Binary Day (110111).
          • You know you are a geek when you begin to compare yourself and your family members to characters on the Big Bang Theory. Just for your edification-I am Bernadette, Younger Son is definitely Leonard, Older Son is an amalgam of Raj (the sweetness and shyness) and Howard (Jewish), and The Husband likes to think that he is Sheldon. I say that he loses Sheldon points for his lack of fastidiousness, but there is absolutely some Sheldon there. 
          • You know you are a geek when you can have whole philosophical conversations about which Star Trek series captain was the better, more capable, and most approachable leader. Personally I am a fan of Jean-Luc Picard, but I have heard merits argued in favour of Kirk as well.
          • You know you are a geek when zombies are awesome, vampires are sexy, and werewolves are dreamy.
          • You know you are a geek when you can name each of Stan Lee's cameo appearances in every single  Marvel movie.
          • You know you are a geek when Comic-Con is a destination vacation.
          • You know you are a geek when you brag about how you learned who Aerosmith was from GuitarHero, and your fitness regimen is designed by the Wii.
          • You know you are a geek when you use the Simpsons as your default pop culture references.
          There are so many more as these were but a sampling. Please feel free to add your own in the comments section below and share them proudly with the world!